Friday, October 16, 2009

You Want a Piece of Me?

First off, I can truly express how much distaste for I have for Megan Fox being on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Second, what she says in the article is totally bullshit. I suggest to avoid reading it at all costs.

To top it off, I really like what she has to say about flying in airplanes. Apparently Megan is afraid to fly so she listens to Britney Spears on the plane. Her reasoning is that "You are not going to die listening to Britney Spears."

I don't think this is necessarily true, but I would think that it would be horrendously cruel for God to let someone die listening to Britney.

In the past, I would sometimes ask people what music or song they would like to listen to while they die. Various answers ensued. My answer five years ago was "Hello goodbye" by the Beatles. I don't discount this choice, but I have changed my mind.

Lately I've been thinking that while I pass on I would like to listen to the sweet disintegrating sounds of Interpol. That would be oddly beautiful and cynical. Perhaps to "Obstacle 2" or "Narc". Dying to Britney would definitely be ironic, especially to "Toxic" or "Piece of Me".

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