Friday, February 24, 2012


Sometimes life slows down and gives you a chance to breathe and reflect. Other times it moves at warp speed and if you are lucky, you get a chance to take in the experiences flying your way.

Right now I'm going through a phase of change. It was bound to happen. I was feeling restless in where I was mentally and physically. I'm starting a new job in a few weeks which is a great opportunity in the journalistic sector. People tell me I have to pay my dues before I work at Rolling Stone so this is just on that track. I'm following the path of Hunter Thompson by working at a newspaper, slaving away for the man. And the coolest part is that I get my own column, free reign to write whatever my heart desires.

With this new job, I am required to move to a small town. I feel this is the perfect change for me as I was starting to feel the crush of the city. I was feeling suffocated and yearning for the forest and a slower pace lifestyle and now I'm getting it. The town I am moving to is my mom's home town so there are tons of relatives to visit with and I know my way around. I look forward to running through the forests, frolicing by the river and breathing in that mountain air.

These changes may turn some people off but I really feel they are exactly what I need to breathe. "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you find you get what you need."

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