Thursday, December 10, 2009

You Can Call Me On The Telephone

You know in the movies, the classic cliche scene where a pay phone is ringing, the main character answers it, and the killer is on the other line. You have all seen it played out in lots of horror movies and thrillers. I've always had the urge to answer a ringing pay phone and I finally got the chance to last weekend.

I was sitting in the ER waiting room in a hospital last saturday waiting for my ride, when the pay phone in the room began to ring. I knew this was finally my chance to live out my dream. I let it ring at least five times before I went over to answer it.

On the line was not a killer but an older lady, at least 5o years old. She said hello and then asked for some man ( I can't remember the name). I told her that the number she called was for a payphone inside the emergency waiting room. She then proceeded to tell me that it wasn't. This then escalated into an argument as the lady was sure she called some number for one of the hospital rooms. She was adamant that it was the correct number and that I was lying. The other people in the waiting room who were watching, began to laugh at the conversation. I argued for a while but then I realized that she would never believe me. I again stated that she had the wrong number and then hung up the phone.

Answering the ominous pay phone was not quite the experience I thought it would be, but it was still more entertaining then just letting it mysteriously ring.

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