Sunday, November 28, 2010

Enter Zachary

I've been called a honorary gay and frankly I feel very welcome amongst the "gay" culture,
So it is not surprising that I would develop and inner gay personality.
I often feel as though I have five personalities:
1) my true self- Sarah
2) my Internet self- Thyme Warp
3) my day dream self- Harley Vandal
4) my alter underdeveloped personality- Sahara
4) my inner gay man- who from tonight on will be affectionately called Zachary.

Zachary has been developing in me for so long, and he comes out most weekends, especially at gay bars when they blast Britney and Robyn.
(Please keep in mind that I am a straight girl very comfortable in her self)
Beyonce has an alter personality when she goes on stage called Sascha Fierce.
Bowie has had many alter personalities.
So really is it odd for me to channel Zachary?
He shall be called Zachary from Monday to Thursday, But from Friday to Sunday he's Zack. Get that straight bitch! Zachary shall be the outlet for all my dancing and trashy business. He's been around for a while and I am so glad to finally give him finally a name.
My friend Papa Roach helped me develop his name, as her "inner gay" is called Stanley, such a prestigious name.
This is not in jest, but rather a way to vent parts of my personality society tells me I am not allowed to show.
So Zachary shall be free to dance to as much Britney and Adam Lambert as he wants...

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