Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Take a Trip To Laredo

"Canyon de Chelly may be located at the far northeastern corner of the state of Arizona, but it's situated squarely in the heart of the social and spiritual history of the Navajo people. Few other places in the Southwest encompass the past and present of a region and a people as completely as Canyon de Chelly, and a visit to its expansive lookouts, silent cliffside ruins and contemporary Navajo communities is an authentic Southwest experience like none other."

"The area has been inhabited by people for at least 10,000 years, beginning with nomadic hunting tribes, who then gave way to semi-permanent agricultural communities about 8,000 years ago. The people now known as the Anasazi were here until roughly the 12th century, when they made their enigmatic exit from the area, leaving behind the pueblo-style houses that can still be explored today. These architectural ruins, as well as the fascinating and well-preserved petroglyphs and pictographs throughout the Canyon are major attractions of the area. The Navajo arrived around 1700 AD and have continuously inhabited the canyons ever since."

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