Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Expectations Do Not Equal Reality

Can someone fall back in love again?
I questioned that last night as we drove discussing the meaning
of the statement "he didn't understand the end of The Graduate" from 500 days of Summer.
In the scene just before Zoe and Joe break up, they watch The Graduate in a theatre, and Zoe is balling at the end (the scene when Dustin and Elaine are on the bus) and Joe doesn't understand why she is crying.
He thinks it's because the two characters are meant to be together, that they are tears of joy.
But Zoe understand the end of The Graduate and that's why she is so sad for her.

I feel that I play both the role of Zoe and Joe.
At first I was Joe, thinking that yes, we are meant to be together.
The universe is putting us together. I felt such a strong urge from destiny to spend time with you.
But now I'm Zoe. I know that those feelings were not fake, but they were just all part of a process. That we were not meant to be together. We were just meant to know each other. Be a part of each others lives for this period in time.

So when we discuss The Graduate, and I explain that when Elaine and Dustin get on the bus after he rescues her from her wedding, and they look out the back of the bus window, and Dustin is happy at first and then miserable, and you don't understand why, this makes me think you don't understand me.

You don't get that Dustin didn't even know Elaine. And that like a man, he goes in, steals her away, and then realizes he doesn't even know her or love her.
Technically, The Graduate should have ended with Dustin going back to Mrs Robinson and then the two of them running away together.

Anyways, The graduate is sad because it doesn't end happy. It ends in what I like to call "real life mode". Where your actions, that you think are pure and motivated by love, turn out to be in vain. They end up in pain and confusion.

This is why I love 500 Days of Summer. It is so true to real life. Zoe and Joe were meant to be together for only a short while. Zoe was suppose to help Joe grow and find himself and his eventual soul mate Autumn.

So life is a journey. We are just helping each other along. I'm just helping you find your true self, and the one meant for you.
I've only loved once and I hope to love again.
But I'm not going to force it.
I'm not going to run around searching for love.
It will seek me out.
And I will be so enraptured before I even know what to do with myself.
Before I even know it's love.
So yes, I am not heartless, and no I am not sitting around waiting for Prince Charming
because he will never come.
But I believe in destiny
and I believe I will love again intensely
It's just not with you.
Mainly because you don't understand the end of The Graduate,
you don't understand me.

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